Friday, November 13, 2009

Weekly Round Up

There is a wealth of news and articles about food safety that contain a lot of interesting and useful information.  Here are some links I’ve come across this week that I think are valuable reads.

Details about the markup of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act scheduled for November 18

A well-stated argument on the importance of protecting our kids from foodborne illnesses

Washington Post article with additional information about the controversy over treating oysters harvested from warm waters to kill the bacterium vibrio vulnificus
An informative article discussing how E.coli actually gets into our meat

Informative piece on the new FDA code for regulating the retail and foodservice segment of the food industry
Keeping Food Safe Ahead of the Holidays
With the holidays coming up, there is tons of food preparation going on. This post has a few great tips on keeping your food and family safe!
Tainted food surprisingly deadly in adults
This shocking article discusses the enormous number of annual deaths due to contaminated food.

For more information and articles about food safety and food recalls delivered right to your inbox, please be sure to sign up for our S.T.O.P E-alerts.

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